Bryan Buckley

Here it is.



September 22, 1981



Current Location:

Philadelphia, PA

Current Activity:

Recently got my Ph. D.. Working as a professor of economics at Ursinus College outside Philly.  Setting up house with my wife, Alyssa. 

Turtle Stats:

Turtle From: Fall 2002- to Fall 2007

Nicknames: Papa Turtle

Positions Held: VP Fall 2002 to Spring 2004; Pres Fall 2004 to Spring 2007; Alumni Correspondent

Turtle Memories

How I got involved in MTS:  It was a dark and stormy night.  The power had gone off in McCabe.  With nothing else to do, I went to the library, checked out a bunch of improv books and the next semester, Katie and I started the troupe.

Favorite game(s): Half Life with Justin was an early favorite.  Blind Line is my game of choice now.

Least liked game(s):  Spelling Bee and Poetry Night

Favorite thing to do to get ready for a show:
  Stress.  Then look at how many people were in the audience.  Then stress some more.

Most memorable improv moment:  The standing ovation the team received at the end of the first musical. 

Workshop/lesson that taught me the most: Workshop on the game of the scene with a guy from the UCB. 

Turtle Wisdom:

"Why this now?" -The Have Nots